Senior Portrait Sessions in Houston, Texas

Senior portrait sessions are so much fun! Between the final class credits, exams, applications, and many co-curricular commitments along with planning your future we want this to be one of the most stress-free activities you do. So take a moment to let your light shine with a custom portrait session designed to highlight your personality, style, and achievement of the past years of education.

Best Time For Senior Portraits

The best time of year for your senior portrait is your favorite time of year! Do you like to do summer sports or wear shorts? Then let’s have your session in May or June of your Junior year of High School. Do you like to wear riding boots and scarves? The Fall is for you! Make sure the fashions you want to wear along with the temperature outside for the schedule of your senior portrait session in Houston. Also, check on requirements from your school. Senior photos can be required by your school for:

  1. The yearbook. Cap and gown portrait, senior and senior parent ads. Usually due early in your senior year.
  2. Sports programs. These books are usually printed at the start of the season and could be required in the fall or spring.
  3. Graduation announcements. These are typically sent to family and friends during the first of May to announce the graduation ceremony and open house or party after you walk across the stage to receive your diploma.
  4. End of the year banquet. Each club or sport will need a photo of you to put in the yearly scrapbook, senior slideshow and for your senior memory table.
Senior Portrait Sessions in Kingwood

Houston Senior Photographer Packages

Houston Senior Photography at Atascocita Photography has a few options for your senior portrait image order.

You can choose a few digital images or many digital images. They all come with a print release. Order your and you’ll receive a quantity discount. Digital image packages start at $150.

We also offer the choice of professional prints, albums, and wall art as a la cart items ranging from $45-$1400.

All-Inclusive packages are also available which include digital images and a print credit.

Locations for Houston Senior Portraits

Where are good locations for your senior portrait sessions? Never fear I have some places that I absolutely love which you can use when you choose us as your Houston Senior Photographer. I’m sure we can find a location in Houston near you. I love parks for their trees and greenery, fields with tall grass, the Houston skyline, rooftops downtown and even at your high school or college campus. I also think having your portrait session at your school or around your neighborhood is a great idea and will lead to images with lots of memories for years to come. Are you a swimmer? Let’s go to the pool! Are you a musician, bring your instrument to the park. Have a location in mind? Just ask Stephanie!

Senior Portrait Sessions in the pool for high school swimmer athlete.

Do you only photograph Houston seniors?

No, we proudly photograph high school and college seniors from across the greater Houston area. We’re proud to be The Woodlands Senior Photographer, a Kingwood Senior Photographer. Conroe Senior Photographer, Huffman Senior Photographer and more! We’v even had seniors come from Louisiana to be photographed by this Houston Senior Photographer!